Friday 22 March 2013

Awesome design for your porcelain throne room

BuzzFeed Shift just posted an awesome list of 27 Clever And Unconventional Bathroom Decorating Ideas. And they're awesome.

So I thought I'd share a few of my faves - nothing is more important than having a well designed room to poop in, am I right?

How cool is this chalkboard wall? I think I'd still have to do a real mirror, cause I'm dayum vain. 

Paint an entire wall with chalkboard paint.

Hanging plants = feeling of outdoor shower, without the bugs and the outdoors, which we all know are #theworst.

Hang a row of plants.

Painting the bathroom black. I obviously want everything in my house painted black, so why not toss in the poop room? Also convenient for a nice dark place to fall asleep on the toilet.

Lastly, these awesome old industrial windows used as a shower door are so cool. Potentially hard to pull off and I see a serious amount of escaping water happening. But still.

Trade typical sliding shower doors for the more industrial look of salvaged windows.

Check out their whole list!

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